My journey update 2021 and The Mucusless Diet Healing System...
Times have been tough but in 2021 I am dedicated to mastering the Mucusless Diet Healing System, Natural diet Genesis 1:29. If you have followed my journey, you know that I started it in 2017 to the best of my ability, after finding Dr. Morse. I took imperfect action on it and decided to learn along the way.Unfortunately, along my journey I slowly began to dip back into some cooked foods, due to past neglected dental trouble turning into more dental trouble. Limiting me on what I could eat. Of course, not losing all that I had gained but definitely not where I needed to be. I also discovered that I had a pretty bad addiction to bread lol! And I learned firsthand just how bad it is for my body. Bread and all baked goods are constipating and prevent the body from eliminating properly. Not to mention mucus forming. Basically, addiction is just your body detoxing from something that is bad for you.
The more mucus forming (toxic) a particular food made you, the more you crave it. And the more you eat it, the sicker you will get, but you will think you are getting well because the symptoms will go away until your body begins to detox again. Think of a person who smokes cigarettes. The drug only "cures" the problem it creates, which is the craving for a cigarette. You may feel sick, get a headache, or feel irritable until you smoke another cigarette. When you weren't smoking you were detoxing from the toxins in the cigarettes. Once you smoke the symptoms go away temporarily only to repeat the process again. When you choose to stop smoking completely you will still experience the symptoms but over time they will go away when the detoxification is complete.
Makes a lot of sense if you ask me! The same thing happens with food items. We can gage how toxic we are by recognizing how hard it is for us to stay on a natural raw food diet, or on a water fast. Arnold Ehret taught a concept called "the magic mirror" you will learn it in his book. Basically, this is the test that we need to do. I have attempted the test but didn't pass it lol! I will soon be doing it again now that I have been intermittently fasting for over three years now and am definitely less toxic than I was when I started this journey. I have come a long way if I may say so myself. The magic mirror is this, fast on water for three days three days. Resting as much as possible too. The harder the process is for you and the worst you feel the more toxic you are. Also, any pain you are experiencing while doing this indicates what areas of your body is most damaged and in need of healing. You can then gage where your weaknesses are.
All of that and more is in the book. I hope you will take advantage of this most invaluable resource. My prayer is that we can live our best life. I believe a natural diet is a big part of that. Also, it is not necessarily about living a long time, although that may be a result of health living. It is more about have the best quality of life that we can while we are living.
Anyway I wanted to provide you with the same resources that I have, so that you too can begin to help your body heal from what ever is ailing you. I am determined to master this, and will continue to improve on this lifestyle for the rest of my life. It took me my lifetime so far to develop the problems that I have and it may take the rest of my life to over come them too.
Just got to get started!
WARNING this lifestyle whether we call it Natural Hygiene, Mucusless Diet, Genesis 1:29, or raw vegan fruitarian, it will require that you give it everything you've got. Dedicating your life to the Natural way of fruit, greens, gardening, sunshine, water, and fresh air. No matter which words you choose you will have to liberate yourself form Industry foods, chemical products, and chemicalized foods, starchy foods, and animal derived foods. You will also need to do some extensive fasting.
I recommend that you get ahold of a fasting expert like Loren Lockman if you plan to do a fast lasting more than seven days. This can be done at home or at a fasting retreat. Either way this is your life and your body! You have to choose what your priorities need to be. If your priority is hanging out with friends eating Industry foods and drinking anything but water or fresh made juice than this is probably not for you.
But if you want to get well, feel better and look better! Than please take a look at the resources available here and get started. Education is key but also implementation. You can't win if you're not in! I know I want in and have actively pursued health for over three years now. Even though Natural Health as always been a topic of interest for me.
Just get started. A great place to start is just stop eating dead animals and their secretions. This isn't that hard to do once you realize exactly what and who you are eating. I started with fruitarianism for one year and loved it but I never really addressed the toxemia through a good fast. Despite my efforts I just didn't get my GI cleared out and this led me to a continuation of the cravings toxemia that I explained earlier.
This is why I am going back to the basics of The Mucusless Diet Healing System. The first rule is transitioning to a natural Genesis 1:29 diet plan. Second, get fasting and using enemas to clear out the GI impacted waste well enough that you can progress with a raw fruit based natural mucusless diet. First on the agenda is to reacquaint myself with the teachings. I am doing this by reading and listening to the book. And also staying strong on my lifestyle, and not allowing others to distract me from that. Including myself! Just need to step it up a notch and spring is a great time to do it.
Thank you for reading!
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Sincerely Joanne
For My Journey update 2021 part two click here...
Please take a look at the recourses I am providing here and just get started. Also take a look at the page at the top of this blog titled post topic directory for more information. Please comment below and let me know what you think. God bless!
Follow the system and love the process.
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