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Showing posts with label Lose Weight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lose Weight. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What I eat to regenerate my body!

We are taught to eat to live, but that is all wrong!

We must not simply eat to live because even a diet of crap will keep us alive. We must eat to REGENERATE! But most of us that eat dead crap foods are eating to degenerate. This is why we see degenerative symptoms of disease running rampant through out our culture. In this video Hilde explains it beautifully.

A must watch and implement... 

Also see...

An Introduction to Fruitarian Living

My Weight Loss VLOG | How I lost over 30 lbs!

The Raw Truth About CANCER!

How Cooked Food affects the Body

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

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juice diet

Saturday, March 10, 2018

My Weight Loss VLOG | How I lost over 30 lbs!

My name is Joanne and I have been in the process of healing my body with a raw vegan fruitarian diet since Oct 2017. I have also lost weight which is a huge plus. Although I didn't begin this journey for those reasons alone. Also as indicated, I'm in the process of eliminating my thyroid nodules, as well as heal my thyroid, and glandular systems in general. I look forward to what this life has to offer me in terms of success with raw vegan Fruit based, Genesis 1:29 liberation diet and healing. I want the same for you and I am here to help you do that! I believe just about anything can be truly healed through proper diet, rest, and fasting. But disease doesn't just develop in a few short months. It took me a long time to develop the issues that I have so I don't expect to eliminate them in a few short months. I have been learning from many great teachers such as Dr. Morse, Prof. Arnold Ehret, Herbert M. Shelton, Loren Lockman and many more. I am not a medical professional nor do I want to be. I do not give medical advice but my opinion based on my knowledge about natural health. I would never tell someone to do what I would not do or am not personally doing myself. I strongly encourage everyone to educate themselves and become their own practitioner. I want to thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I hope you like this channel. I want to be a positive influence in your life and be a support to you on your health journey. Please subscribe for more videos. Highly Recommended! Get The Detox Miracle Source book by Robert Morse, N.D. FREE ARNOLD EHRET BOOKS! MY SITES SO WE CAN STAY IN TOUCH: If you are interested in implementing a fruitarian diet or you just want to know more about what it's all about please check out this informative article. JOIN ME ON ODYSEE For more Natural Health content :)$/invite/@myfruitthing:8 And a special thanks to Dr Morse for getting me going with common sense information that I can use. FOR SUPPORT: Also check out a couple of groups in Facebook for support on your journey. They are; Dr Morse Detox Support: for women only and Fans of Dr. Robert Morse ND Stay tuned for more and thanks for watching! DISCLAIMER: The content published by My Fruit Thing, Joanne Utke, or is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be medical advice. I would never ask anyone to substitute my judgment for their own. I am not a doctor. Please consult your doctor or Naturopathic practitioner before implementing a new diet.

Health is Basic folks!

Health is Basic folks!
Dr. Morse