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Showing posts with label raw vegan fruitarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label raw vegan fruitarian. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Healthy Food for Humans: What Really Belongs in the Human Body?

  I thought there was so much useful information in this video that will help you get started or continue on your raw vegan fruitarian diet. I am including here, in this post a summery of everything I learned watching this video, plus a lot of my own thoughts and knowledge. All you have to do is be open to this information and then implement it for best results. 

The first thing we need to remember here is, out of all the thousands of wild animal species we are the only ones who have been consuming an unnatural diet. Animals in the wild don't over eat, and they don't eat anything not natural to their species and available in their natural environments.

All natural animals eat according to their own species and all members of that species eat the same basic diet. Likewise we humans all have the same digestive tract, the same organs, and the same basic needs. Why do we think that we are all so different? And, need to eat different foods than our species would allow?

We are the only species on the planet that flavors, and spices our foods before we eat it. We are also the only species on the planet that feels we need to eat cooked foods. Now there is a lot of reasons for why we feel this way, but I am not getting into that here. Bottom line is we must eat what is designed by nature and or God for us to eat. The fact that we as a human beings are so sick is because we have become accustomed to consuming an unnatural diet. A diet not designed for us! 

So, What should you eat as a human being? 

As you have learned in the video we humans must eat a human diet. There are some things we can observe that tells us what foods our species is designed to eat. In the video Loren mentions that animals and humans only want to eat what is naturally appealing to them. He talks about how the vibrant colors of fruit makes us simply want to eat it. This is why fruit is so colorful. When rip on the tree fruit calls to us and speaks to the primitive natural side of us. Fruit is easy for a naturally fit human to obtain. And it's sweetness is something we all crave. Fruit is also easily digested for the specific digestive systems human have.

In school we are told that humans are the combo of the herbivore/carnivore species, and the word omnivore was then applied to humans. But, we simple do not have physical bodies and digestive tracts which tell us this. Think of the true herbivores you know of, such as a cow, goat, horse, rabbit, etc... Do we have the same digestive systems as they do? NO we don't. Do we graze with our heads to the ground all day long? NO we don't. Do we see grass and think this is food for me? NO we do not!

Think about the true carnivores you know of, such as a cats like lions, and tigers. Also look at the wolf, snakes and polar bears. Do we have the same digestive systems as these animals? NO. Do we find killing our food with our teeth, ripping out their arteries and drinking their blood appealing? NO, and if we do we are labeled as deranged. Wouldn't we rather pick some fruit off of a tree and eat our fill then do that? Yes we would! 

Now let's look at the animals that closely resemble us and in fact have the same digestive systems as we do. I am talking about primates. Science has told us that are closest animal cousins are in fact primates. More specifically Bonobos and chimpanzee. In fact we share 96% of our DNA with chimps and as much as 99% of the DNA that a bonobo has.

We are wrongly taught that primates are herbivores but this is just not true. Primates are actually fruit eaters. We call this frugivore, and for some reason this is a fact left out of science class. I believe that is because the powers that be do not want us to know what our true diet is. The Medical, Pharmaceutical and Animal agriculture Industries don't want us to know that the key to health and vitality is as simple as eating a fruit diet. Image how much money they would lose if we all began eating a diet specifically designed for our bodies, a diet that is designed by God to keep us as vital as Adam and Eve in the garden. Imagine how much money these capital I industries would lose if we got healthy?

Ok, back to the bonobos...

The bonobo's diet is largely fruitarian. Foraging in small groups, bonobos feast primarily on fruit, but when necessary they also eat leaves, flowers, bark, stems, roots, insect larvae, worms, crustaceans, honey, eggs, and soil. Occasionally they hunt small mammals like flying squirrels. Bonobos eat a diet natural to them from their natural environments.

Now, we are not bonobos that is why we don't eat everything that they do, although we certainly could handle it as long as our primary food was fruit. The problem is instead of eating lots of fruit and implementing a fruit based diet we as humans typically consume a junk food and animal based diet. If you take a bonobo and feed him the standard American diet he will become sick with the standard American diseases that afflicts most Americans. In fact animals in captivity fed an unnatural diet will and do in fact develop cancer, diabetes, and heart disease just like we do.

If you are a Christian you should read Gen 1:29, which outlines God's original diet for man. The diet he intended for us. The diet that was intended to sustain the optimal health and vitality Adam and Eve first enjoyed. I think you get the point. Feel free to do your own research. This makes sense to me and that is my focus. 

Junk food! 

Junk foods are foods that contain fat, complex sugars, salts, spices, natural and artificial flavoring. Also preservatives, especially chemical preservatives. For the record I do not believe we should be eating anything that has chemical preservatives, and artificial anything in it. But, even a raw vegan who consume whole plant based foods can fall into a junk food frenzy of high nut fat, highly flavored and seasoned foods. Yes there is such thing as raw vegan fruitarain junk food, and that is something I personally try to avoid. Sure those foods are great for once in awhile when you just want your food to entertain you, but if you are going for disease elimination or prevention it is best to stay off of any food that is complicated. That is also Loren's message. 

We are addicted to these complicated foods. That is why we "feel fine" or "feel better" when we eat them. This doesn't mean however that what we just ate is good for us. Food addiction is no different than an addiction to any other substance that only satisfies the craving it creates, but damages the body in the process.  In other words; When we consume a substance we are only satisfying the need, that the substance has created. It only cures the problems that it has created, ie; the call to consume it again. This can manifest as stomach grumbling, or discomfort which most people think is hunger. A headache, or just an insatiable desire to consume again. This in no way means that the substance is good for us! 

Since beginning this journey over a year ago I have learned just how addicted I am to foods. I never considered myself addicted to anything, or having an addicted personality, but going through this and eliminating everything, but fruit and simple salads, I now know that I am addicted real bad, to foods. It gets better with time, but I realize we must never feed the addiction, or it sets us back. The hardest thing about this life is getting over these addictions. But, once you have gotten off of these addicted foods, the body can then begin to cleanse and heal. 

Complicated foods are stimulants! 

Like Loren said in this video salts, flavorings like herbs, complex sugars and even proteins are stimulants. Stimulants are not good for us! Stimulants are addicting and as already mentioned only fix the problem it creates. Eating more of a food that only stimulates your body will not lead to health and will in fact lead to body breakdown from overburdening the Adrenal glans and other body systems.

A raw vegan fruitarian diet if not properly is a diet free of these stimulating foods and or only in very low quantities such as protein. We get our protein from fruits and simple salads but when we over eat we tax the system. You heard him say that when we eat more protein than we need we age and die faster. This just one reason why we should avoid concentrated complicated foods such as meat, dairy, eggs, and processed foods. Fruits, and vegetables contain everything we need in the proper balance for a human being and it is virtually impossible to over eat when you only consume fresh ripe fruits and veggies in their whole natural state.

The only way to over eat on a raw vegan fruitarian diet is to eat blended foods, dehydrated foods, and those gourmet style raw meals with all of the nuts, seeds, salts, and spices. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will see that I often only eat whole fruit, but getting off of my daily smoothie is something that I am working on myself. I also don't do the gourmet raw meals, but I will create a blended raw dressing for my evening salads. I have been eating a little more nuts and seasoned dressings for my salads this winter for building up my energy stores, getting ready for the summer. But, my diet is always and has been for the last year and a half whole fresh raw fruit! I will do a smoothie and fresh raw fruit all day. And salads in the evening several days per week if not a little more if I have the ingredients. 

Anyway I hope you watched the video and enjoyed it as much as I did. I also hope you enjoyed my comments and summery here. Feel free to leave a friendly comment. If you have any questions and or would like support while you begin changing your diet to a raw vegan fruitarian diet please contact me or leave a comment via my Facebook page. 

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

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Saturday, September 15, 2018

How Cooked Food affects the Body

   Learn about how cooked foods actually effect your body. I suggest limiting your exposure to cooked foods, focus on raw fresh fruits, berries, melons, raw salads of dark greens and some veggies every day for optimal health. This video is helpful for understanding what it is cooked foods are really doing to you. The only time you should be eating cooked vegetables is if you are trying to slow down a detox, and or need to work your way up to a raw diet because of the weaknesses you have developed in your body. Other than that Go RAW!  

Every time we eat cooked foods our body says, "this is a problem."  

The immune system responds with digestive leukocytosis. 

White blood cell count spikes as if the body was injured.
The only other time the body experiences leukocytosis is when there is an injury to the body. 

Cooked food produces toxins that you do not want in your body!

Also see..

An Introduction to Fruitarian Living

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

If you are new to this blog see the quick links and or the welcome page for more.

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Sunday, March 11, 2018

7 Things That Happen When you give up meat, and dairy

What Happens When you Quit Eating Meat and Dairy?

   It is a well known fact that meat, dairy and eggs are not health food! In fact eggs cannot legally be called "healthy" and you can't say that meat is low fat either. Fish and chicken aren't much lower in artery clogging fats and cholesterol than red meats. Also these foods are too high in protein for a human being! Human beings are not carnivores any more than we need to be sucking on cow utters.
In this video Kristina clearly explains what happens when you STOP eating animal products and start eating living raw fruits and vegetables. This is a must watch and share! Thousands and doing it and many more every day. Going vegan, raw vegan fruitarian is great for your health, body, mind, soul and our planet! 

For more information; 

Dangers of High Protein Diets

Saturday, March 10, 2018

My Weight Loss VLOG | How I lost over 30 lbs!

My name is Joanne and I have been in the process of healing my body with a raw vegan fruitarian diet since Oct 2017. I have also lost weight which is a huge plus. Although I didn't begin this journey for those reasons alone. Also as indicated, I'm in the process of eliminating my thyroid nodules, as well as heal my thyroid, and glandular systems in general. I look forward to what this life has to offer me in terms of success with raw vegan Fruit based, Genesis 1:29 liberation diet and healing. I want the same for you and I am here to help you do that! I believe just about anything can be truly healed through proper diet, rest, and fasting. But disease doesn't just develop in a few short months. It took me a long time to develop the issues that I have so I don't expect to eliminate them in a few short months. I have been learning from many great teachers such as Dr. Morse, Prof. Arnold Ehret, Herbert M. Shelton, Loren Lockman and many more. I am not a medical professional nor do I want to be. I do not give medical advice but my opinion based on my knowledge about natural health. I would never tell someone to do what I would not do or am not personally doing myself. I strongly encourage everyone to educate themselves and become their own practitioner. I want to thank you for taking the time to watch this video. I hope you like this channel. I want to be a positive influence in your life and be a support to you on your health journey. Please subscribe for more videos. Highly Recommended! Get The Detox Miracle Source book by Robert Morse, N.D. FREE ARNOLD EHRET BOOKS! MY SITES SO WE CAN STAY IN TOUCH: If you are interested in implementing a fruitarian diet or you just want to know more about what it's all about please check out this informative article. JOIN ME ON ODYSEE For more Natural Health content :)$/invite/@myfruitthing:8 And a special thanks to Dr Morse for getting me going with common sense information that I can use. FOR SUPPORT: Also check out a couple of groups in Facebook for support on your journey. They are; Dr Morse Detox Support: for women only and Fans of Dr. Robert Morse ND Stay tuned for more and thanks for watching! DISCLAIMER: The content published by My Fruit Thing, Joanne Utke, or is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to be medical advice. I would never ask anyone to substitute my judgment for their own. I am not a doctor. Please consult your doctor or Naturopathic practitioner before implementing a new diet.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Sweet Natural Living answering the myth that Fruit based diet is too extreme. I feel he explained it beautifully. Watch with an open mind and find out if a Fruit based diet is something that you can do.

Especially if you care about animals, people and our planet!

Putting it all into perspective!

For more information and to get started on a Fruitarian diet see my post ...

An Introduction to Fruitarian Living :)

 Thanks for watching!

Health is Basic folks!

Health is Basic folks!
Dr. Morse