Keeping it real and not hiding anything about my journey. My prayer is that my mistakes and set backs can be a lesson learned for you as it is for me.
A message to those on a healing journey and who take the time and read this. Thank you in advance for the support! For those who have followed me and read about my journey. You know that I have been into natural health since I was a young adult. Unfortunately not to the extent that I believe now or to the extent that I need to be. In the last few years I have been actually practicing for the most part, or at least trying to practice an extreme (by societies standards) form of natural health, a Genesis 1:29 inspired diet. Please don't look at my content and think that I am a master of this diet! That I haven't struggled with it. I write and have this blog to share my journey with those who it may help. And possibly inspire others to embark on a healing journey as well.
I AM NOT, NORE DO I WANT TO BE A GURU OR A DOCTOR! I am only sharing what I've learned, experienced and and believe with you. Take it or leave it. I hope that you can learn from my experiences. Do not think that I have not struggled with my diet, and in my life! Do not assume that the people on YouTube, or anyone online for that matter doesn't struggle just like you do, like I do. There are certainly conditions and situations that make the struggle harder or easier depending on the situation.
My Journey!
The first year starting in Oct of 2017 I was practicing what is known as a fruitarian diet, mostly or all fruit, with the exception of a few transition items like sweet potato, or steamed veggies, to get me through the holidays with my family. Not ideal but I was 99% of the way their that first year. I was also using Dr. Morse herbal products with some good result, especially the stomach and bowel formula. I absolutely loved the stomach and bowel formula. I felt like I got a good clean out and it helped heal my stomach a little bit from all of the years of wrong eating, and stomach trouble. And I only took it for a month or one bottle.
That year I felt really good energized, healthy and two of my major problems, at the time was relieved during and after that first year. Getting on a fruit diet and beginning to clean out my system was just what my body needed! I have no regrets about that first year and I am glad I did it. I could have done it better but it was my first time and no regrets. The two major problems that I had prior to embarking on this journey was chronic yeast infections and recurrent UTI symptoms. For some background information, I was suffering from a 20 year long chronic yeast infections, that started when I took hormonal birth control at about 19 years old. I only took it for 3 years but that was enough to set me up for chronic yeast infections for the next 20 years! I literally had an infection every 3 months on average that whole time. And the medications only offered me temporary relief. By the time I was in my 30's however it was more like every month. So ya, a big problem!
I was also experiencing frequent UTI symptoms which a few years earlier from 2017 got me into a half year long pharmaceutical trap! I thankfully knew enough to recognize it and got out of it. Long story short that trap or vortex as I like to call it, of antibiotics and antifungals was extremely damaging to my body. Thankfully I got myself out of that trap. But I was left with an even more toxic and very damaged state. In addition to the discovering of my thyroid nodules, this state I was in helped me to make the decision to do something that by societies standards is drastic.
But then chronic depression, family trouble, etc.. got to me... I was also still cooking for my family, and people were consistently pushing food in my face so that makes it very hard to stay on track. I can't, at this time afford to see a Naturopath or get a coach to help me through it. I have to be my own practitioner! Don't get me wrong I know that ultimately, I have the power to make wise choices for myself. I really don't blame anyone but me. It is hard to change, especially when you are consistently told not too. FYI; you probably won't get much support for doing this. Don't count on your doctor or your family to support you. But do it anyway!
I was also experiencing leg cramping, muscle fatigue, and a blood test in 2019 reveled that my calcium and iron was low. I do not attribute this to my fruit based diet, but to the fact that my GI wasn't cleaned out good enough yet, and the digestive issues that I have had for a long time also contributed to this. But later I learned that it was my thyroid that was causing these deficiencies. Low iron is associated with hyperthyroid, as well as the other things that was going wrong with me. Also just not eating enough fruit calories to give my body everything that it needed. Fruit diet rule #1 EAT A LOT OF FRUIT! And get the GI cleaned from the inside out asap. I can say that the hardest part for me was eating enough food. And not eliminating waste effectively as I could. Even still I managed to overcome the yeast and the UTI. But please keep reading...
Even though I was still fruit based after that first year and so on, I started adding in more of that cooked comfort food again, but only in the evenings. I ate fruit for a first meal ÷ snacking, or second meal until evening and I would eat whatever plant based foods that I had prepared for my family or that was available, or easy for me at the time. I feel like I was being lazy and I figured what the hell! Maybe it will help bring my iron up, so I ate lentils, vegan split pea soup, rice, and unfortunately my bread addiction crept right back up. We humans have a way of justifying why we do things that we know may harm us. And just not giving it my all. Not fighting hard enough for myself. That is typically for me actually.
If you read part 1 of this post about my health journey and The Mucusless Diet Healing System you will get a bit more information on how food addiction works. And hopefully you will have a better understanding of what I have been going through. Please take a look tat that too if you can and thank you!
Unfortunately that lasted until April of this year 2021. Not only did my eating of beans, legumes, pea soup, rice, nuts, seeds and bread NOT lead to the improvement of my iron levels it actually made it worst! My most recent blood work 2020 indicated that my iron levels were even worst than the first time I tested low a year before, after that first year of a fruit diet. Although my calcium did go back to a normal range thankfully. In addition to my iron NOT improving on a plant based diet, some other things got worst too. One of those things being hemorrhoids, digestive and elimination issues. And another one of those things being that my biggest complex nodule went from a 4.3 to a 4.9! 😬 And so began my hyperthyroid journey.
I started having trouble with hemorrhoids back in my early adult years when I was diagnosed with the H Pillory ulcer creating bacteria. In those days I did have an ulcer and I was experiencing horrible acid reflux. I was treated with the Prev. Pack which is a lot of drugs taken twice daily for a couple weeks. Well it got rid of the bacteria creating my ulcers, but it left me with constipation. Constipation that created hemorrhoids. So not a new problem! And definitely not a problem created by eating fruit, but cooked plant based protein foods.
That's when I started paying more attention to what I was eating and tried to add in more high fiber foods, fruit, and veggies, even back then! Unfortunately, but not surprisingly the doctors were not helpful in that, so I was on my own, as usual. I was still eating cheese and meat sparingly but by societies standards I was a health nut! And got shit for it all the time.
I regret not listening to Dr. Lorain Day more in those early days. She promoted a mostly raw, vegan diet for the elimination of disease and healing the body. That's why I have several of her tapes. I loved to hear her speak but just didn't get the vegan part back then, and it just didn't register with me then. Oh, how I wish I had listened to her more and implemented everything she said. I would have avoided hemorrhoids, yeast, UTI, and thyroid nodules all together.
I really believe that!
Going back to not only did adding in cooked plant based foods like beans, legumes, peas, rice and bread NOT HELP ME, but it made my colon issues much worst! I already was having some elimination problems even eating only, or mostly fruit that first year. But I didn't have hemorrhoid flare ups and I only had to eat more fruit, or add in a meal of boiled sweet potatoes for a solution. So for about 2 years now of eating a lot more cooked plant based foods than I believe that I should, I am left with a bad issue, or a pain in my ass I should say!
I am worried that the damage is done and colon cancer is in my future, apparently both colon cancer and hemorrhoids have similar symptoms. I don't really think so but it is on my mind. And actually these nodules are probably my biggest concern. I am determined to finish what I started back in 2017. I believe that natural healing is possible for me not only for this pain in my ass, but also for eliminating my thyroid nodules. I so much want to succeed in this! I know that I need to fast with Loren Lockman at his beautiful Costa Rica place but that is just not an option for me right now. I will have to settle for good old fashion will power, strength, divine help and determination despite anything or anyone that may be a stumbling block for me in my life.
No this life of natural health is not easy, don't believe anyone that tells you it is! If you want to heal yourself naturally you must change everything about yourself. You have to become a person with a mind for health and healing, not for a magic pill! You have to not care what anyone thinks about you, or what anyone says to you. You have to be in your mind and body always! It can be done but it is difficult because it's not the way the world wants you to be, it's not the way society wants you to be, it's not the way your government wants you to be. People will tell you that you are killing yourself and that you are crazy. But we have to look past all of that, and keep our eyes on the prize of true and natural health! And a better quality of life.
I am writing this to show you that I am only human and have struggled in the past few years to make my goals, and do what I set out to do three years ago. I am determined but it is not easy and I am suffering because of my lack of control, or my desire to be more acceptable to my family members who I know care about me. I believe with out a doubt that eating in accordance with Genesis 1:29 is the key to health, both physically and spiritually. But like I said in my video, I do have some odds against me. And I need to get these amalgams out of my mouth. I need to stay stress free, and I need to stay on track.
I know that I can heal my body if only I can take control of my life, my emotions and my food choices. I wish this post was a complete success story but it is not even though like I said those two major issues are better. And I lost the extra weight that I was carrying around. Click link for video. I am thankful for the progress that I have made in the past few years, but I know that in a lot of ways I have just begun. There is still so much for me to do and accomplish.
Natural health is a life long commitment. It's not a quick fix, a magic pill or a one time thing. You can't just take a pill, change nothing, and expect things to just get better. Disease doesn't just happen, it is created in your body by the choices you have made and the foods you have eaten. This is something that we will work on and towards our entire life. THERE IS A TRANSITION PERIOD THAT YOU NEED TO GO THROUGH TOO. That is why I call it a journey. It is a journey to rediscovering your true self, a healthier, happier self that is not dependent on doctors, pharmaceutical companies or the government. Another reason why I am writing this is because if I die of thyroid or colon cancer I do not want a fruit based, plant based diet to be the blame. Because IT'S NOT! It is my standard American diet to blame, and my struggle to do everything that I need to in order to help my body heal. And God knows it may be too late for me to achieve complete natural health at age 41 years old.
I honesty don't know how this journey will end. God willing I will do what it takes and heal! God willing I will live a long time. But only God knows that! What I do know is that I am determined to do what it takes, I am willing to do what it takes, it is hard to do what it takes, but I am up for the challenge. And boy did I underestimate the challenge! It would be easier if I lived alone but I don't. It would be easier if I could fly away to Costa Rica and hide out for a few months in order to make more progress. But I can't do that right now!
I want to be an inspiration to others and I don't want to die not trying either. My message is clear, eat a clean Genesis 1:29 diet, incorporate fasting, learn everything you can to help yourself and just do it NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS THINK OR SAY TO YOU! This is your life and your body! Take care of it! I wish I had done what it takes a long time ago. I wish that I was stronger, happier, more productive. I vow to do my best, but I am not sure that will be good enough.
I have said before that I will heal myself naturally or die trying! Just don't blame the plan, the system if I don't, just blame me. Systems don't fail, people do! I don't want people to think that natural healing is not possible, or some pie in the sky. I want people to fight for themselves, even more than I ever did for myself. Don't be sad or depressed and eat food that you know won't help you reach your goals. No matter who is telling you otherwise!
In a lot of ways for me eating damaging foods is kind of a suicidal thing to do. Not that I am suicidal in the sense that I would directly do something to kill myself. I love God and my life. But I know what foods hurt me and which ones help me. So when I get depressed I either don't eat at all (which is better than binging on mucus forming, constipating foods) or I just eat what society calls comfort food. Comfort food offers a temporary numbing down of emotions but in the long run creates disease. It's what I do when I just don't care anymore. Maybe some of you reading can relate. I am just being honest about my struggles. And determined to stop that destructive cycle in my own life.
On the other hand fruits, berries, melons, greens may not offer much in the way of numbing you down of your emotions, and comforting you in a stressful situation but it will enhance your good feelings, give you energy, and help your body eliminate toxic disease creating waste and heal your body! DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. Learn more, do more, eat better! I know that my first fruity year I felt pretty good, and had lots of energy.
I had to work through my depression by focusing on myself but honestly that only lasts so long. I can't stress to you enough how much an over all life style, mind set, change is needed to make Natural Health work for you. Like I said before you literally have to change everything about your life!! And you need to be surrounded by people who support you 100% on your journey. Surrounding yourself with others on the same journey is best if possible. Certainly not possible for me. Although my husband does a good job trying to support me and work on his own health challenges as well.
I am going to end this very honest update of my journey. Keep in mind that I am in no way giving up! I am continuing to improve on my diet, eat a clean fruit based diet with greens/herbs/some veggies according to Genesis 1:29. with a focus on the fruit. I also need to do some water fasting and some juice fasting as well for best results.
It's just at 41 years old at the time of writing this update, I am not sure that I have enough time and energy to achieve my goals. I am however hopeful that I will! If that makes any sense lol! I am determined to master The Mucusless Diet Healing System aka Genesis 1:29. There are still a few things I have to work out. One thing being my mind! I have been experiencing very depressive thoughts and most of the time I just don't care anymore.
I was taking whole food iron supplements and avoiding the synthetic stuff the NP gave me. So for starters I got Garden of Life Blood builder supplement with iron, B12, Vitamin C and probiotics to help in my iron levels and digestion goals. But I did wait too long to get started on it. My iron first checked low in 2019. FYI: my B12 was fine it's just that this supplement comes with it and I figured it wouldn't hurt to take it. If I feel like I need a higher dose iron then I will get that too but I am trying to keep it whole food sources. My goals have stayed the same. Eat a clean Genesis 1:29 inspired diet, fast, juice, build up my muscle with calisthenics, and have a positive attitude.
I also have been taking a whole food Vitamin D which is important for hyperthyroid, as well as selenium but my selenium levels were in range when we checked it. A for herbs I am taking making a tea out of licorice root, nettle, dandelion root and leaf. I am also taking Bugleweed and Motherswort to manage my hyperthyroid symptoms a bit. The Bugleweed is supposed to lower the T4, T3, as well as help the heart palpitations and the Motherswort also helps the heart palpitations. I have been taking these two since mid June 2021, and may or may not continue. I do feel like it helps the heart palpitations but my blood work still showed elevated thyroid hormone as of the beginning of August. So I am looking at Dr. Morse endocrine formula and pituitary formula if that will help. And also the lymphatic system formula too, which I did take a bottle back a couple years ago. Morse says that nodules are a lymphatic stagnation problem so definitely need to keep it moving, especially in the thyroid area.
I need to stay on fruit, and simple salads for proper elimination. I also need to eat more, that is a hard one for me. I am going to work on some easy vegetable recipes cooked or not, that way I can try and eat more mineral rich foods, just to get more plant foods in me. I also have to FINALLY GET MY GUT CLEANED OUT better. Like I said I want to get back on Dr. Morse Stomach and bowel formula. And just keep moving forward! No more beans, legumes, pea soup, white potatoes, rice, or bread, even the whole wheat seeded Dave's bread which is a hard one for me to say no to if I have it at home. I have learned the hard way, but I do have a better understanding of how food, even "healthy" food by societies standards effects my body.
I am once again reminded of my goals and what I need to be doing.
Anyway, God willing, and God bless!
From Joanne
Here is some more information for those who need it and want to watch like I have many times.
Dr. Morse Thyroid Nodule, Blood Types, Electro Sensitivity
A little video I made showing you how to make that herbal tea that I mentioned in this post.
By the way if you would like to support me on my journey please like and subscribe to my YouTube Channel, as well as click on my Amazon links before you buy stuff on Amazon. I highly recommend The Detox Miracle Source book by Dr. Robert Morse as well as The Mucusless Diet Healing System both located on the side bar of this blog.
For part one of my 2021 journey see this article.
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