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Showing posts with label Inspired by Hilde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspired by Hilde. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Hilde Larsen Death My Thoughts

  Inspired by Hilde 

  I write this post about a person in mind that I didn't know personally. I have been inspired by her content. I learned that She recently passed away age 56 of a stroke according to Robert Morse. She was a person who at one point in her life was very sick and on her death bed just about 10 years ago. In her past she had been a heavy smoker, and by her own testimony, ate like crap! She like most people who begins a healing journey late in life was coming from a very unhealthy lifestyle. 

Hilde Larsen
  I only know this from her own personal account. Hilde Larsen was diagnosed with many kinds of diseases and especially Rheumatoid Arthritis. Doctors had her on all kinds of medications. After years of this she was on her death bed and had a choice to make. She remembers saying, “I will stop all medications and just lay here until i get well or die."  

 After this she committed herself to learning about how to heal herself or just die trying. She was already on her death bed thanks to doctors so what did she have to lose. But she didn't know exactly how to go about it. Hilde was starting from scratch and a very low point in her health. I do believe that had she not started on her healing journey she would have died a long time ago. We would have never been blessed with her experience over the past few years and her knowledge about health. 

  I don't know every details about her stroke but I know she will be missed. Hilde was a light in a world of negativity! I always enjoyed learning from her and I hope her videos stay up on YouTube for generations to enjoy. A friend of mine thinks that her death may have been caused by dry fasting which Hilde was a proponent of. Certainly dry fasting for more than a good nights sleep and a few hours in the morning can be Very dangerous. In Hilde's last video on her channel from one month ago. She talked about smoothies and starting her day with fresh juice. It didn't sound to me like she had been doing much dry fasting.

  My mom who is an RN said that there are two kinds of strokes. One is a bleed, and one is a clot. We just don't know the details and frankly it's non of our business. Not one of us is immune to death! And very few of us are coming to this from a perfectly healthy lifestyle. I know that Hilde was eating a fruit diet with herbs and doing the best she could. She may have still had some damage done in her past unhealthy lifestyle. We know that smoking can damage the heart making people more susceptible to strokes. Only God knows what the extent of the damage that was done in her past. 

To the Raw Fruity Community

  I know that there is a lot of confusion among the raw vegan fruit based community over this. It's not the only death that this community has seen in the past year and it can be a confusing thing. One of the reasons why we are on a healing journey is to prolong our life and free ourselves from disease. I believe that a fruit based diet with simple greens and vegetables is the best way to go about it! Raw is always best along with pure water, clean air, exercise and sunshine. 

  Do not let this discourage you! Yes we can protect ourselves from heart disease stroke and all kinds of illness by eating plants and fruit. It is the best way and much better than what we were doing. I know I am on the right track but God knows how long my life will be. We do what we know to be right and leave the rest to God. No one can be perfectly healthy no matter what we do! It is naïve to think so. We live in an imperfect world with many things trying to bring us down. There are many factors that can cause someone to die or experience disease. We just got to keep moving forward doing what we know to be true. We know how food effects our bodies. We know how sick, fat and tired we were before getting on the fruit train. 

  It is not for us too know how long we are going to live. It is up too us to do the best we can with what we have! Eat clean and responsibly. Yes we need to use our best judgment, and act accordingly. But this lifestyle is NOT about living forever! Or being perfect, god like creatures. I feel like many people in the raw fruit based community think that it is. This is why they get confused and discouraged when one of us dies an early death. This lifestyle is not about living forever but about living our best life right now! Not waiting to feel better, not waiting for tomorrow to do what is best for yourself. 

  We are all coming from a different place in life and we all do what we do for our own reasons. We all have addiction or at least temptations that we are dealing with. I myself am on a healing journey because my thyroid is not functioning very well. For me the news of Hilde has not discouraged me. It has inspired me not only to keep working on my diet and lifestyle. But too live my best life right now and enjoy every precious moment that I have. About 56 million people die in the world every year. If you woke up today, you were not one of them. I have already wasted a lot of time in my life with unhealthy eating, lifestyle, stress and depression. I made the choice in 2017 to stop that and start living a life that I deserve. My Best Life Right Now! 

  We are all on a unique journey through this life. We should never compare our own unique journey to others. Not one of us is perfectly heathy nor can we be in this imperfect world. I know I am not. I personally am not trying to be perfectly healthy. I don't waste my time on perfection. I just do my best and improve along the way. I just want to do the best that I can and reverse my thyroid disease if that is what is possible for me. Since beginning my journey (which has be a very imperfect one I must say) I have lost my extra weight gained my energy back, improved my overall health and I have a will to improve on myself again. Even though I am a work in progress, I am going to celebrate those wins. We just got to do the best we can with what we have and from the point we are at. The rest entrust to God! We got to save something for heaven.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Revelation 21:1-4 ESV

This is Hilde Larsen's last podcast interview. I learned a lot from her as I always do and I know so many have as well. She still has a lot to offer this world and she will be missed! I am praying for her and for all of you. Do your best, eat healthy, stay fruity, and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE NOW! I think she did that and inspired others to do the same. 

Food is energy, and Hilde has taken it to a new level! (Podcast by Ronnie Smith)

Hilde - Love 

Dr. Robert Morse

Update; This video was added on Feb 27th after I watched it. 

Paul Nissen at The Raw Life Health Show thoughts on Hilde Larsen

If you would like to learn more about Hilde's journey go to her website Inspired by Hilde for her amazing story of how she went from death bed to healthy life enthusiast! 

If you are looking to get on a healing journey or already started one check out my article, What Does it take to Heal the Body?  I believe that diet is key to health no matter where you are in your journey! 

We need to eat to live and not live to eat! 

  Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

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Health is Basic folks!

Health is Basic folks!
Dr. Morse