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Showing posts with label vegan. Show all posts

Monday, March 15, 2021

Christian veganism | Genesis 1:29 and my thoughts

  My thoughts on Christian veganism!

Genesis 1:29

   I believe in eating and living according to the bible. In the context of diet, as reveled to our first parents and recorded in Genesis 1:29. This verse tells how we should eat, God's original diet plan for us/mankind, and Jesus tells us how we are to live, and think about the world. So we can live a life worthy of His Kingdom, living as if we are already in Heaven. Genesis 1:29 is a raw vegan diet, the diet giving to us by God before sin and death entered into the world.

"It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly. It is likewise unworthy to spend money on them that should as a priority go to the relief of human misery. One can love animals; one should not direct to them the affection due only to persons." (CCC 2418) 

This isn't about perfection but doing what we can to help ourselves and all of God's creation. This is also not about vilifying certain foods, but being mindful of what, who, and why we eat what we eat. Being good stewards of creation and not just users of it, and certainly not abusers of it. Does this mean you have to be vegan to follow Christ or to be a moral person? NO! But I do believe that how we view animals, treat animals, and certainly human beings, our own bodies and creation is essential to living an authentic Christian life. We are not called to perfection but to just give a dam and try to do everything that we can to prepare for the life to come. 

For for information about a viewing veganism with a Christian lens see...

My Step by Step Guide to Transition to a Plant Based Diet

Veganism for Christians | Genesis 9 

And living a more compassionate and Merciful life!

The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle, Ph.D

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

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Monday, April 16, 2018

The World Peace Diet by Will Tuttle, Ph.D

Art work by Madeleine Tuttle

  The other night I had the privilege of hearing Will Tuttle speak about his book, The World Peace Diet. This was an inspiring talk to say the least! Will very eloquently and softly spoke about how veganism is much more than a diet, but a growing movement towards making the world a better place starting with YOU the INDIVIDUAL, and YOUR HEALTH! 

   I had never really understood veganism until this year, and I'm getting it, in a big way now. I am starting to see the reality of the impact that our individual food choices mean for our health, and the health of this world. Also, what the consumption of animal products means to the animals that we are blessed to share this world with.

  The concept behind this book, and the vegan message is this; whatever we do to those among us, especially the weaker, we also do to ourselves, society, and to this planet. A healthy individual, and society as a whole will never exist as long as we feel the need to be dominate other individuals, stripping them of their God given right to life, and happiness. The life that all of creation are blessed with! 

  In every food choice that we make and share with our own families there is a message. Mealtime, for as long as life has existed a meal has been the common place for parents to teach their families about life. In every meal there is a lesson. When we gather our children to the table, and sit down to a meal, we need to think about the lessons this meal is communicating to ourselves and children.

  When we look at our plate what do we see? 

  Most people just see food and eat it as fast as they can so they can get back to work or play. But there is so much more to food than just being a way to get through the day and have a little taste pleasure for the moment. We don't think that this momentary pleasure may represent a lifetime, likely a very short life of pain, and sadness for the animal whose body was used for food. Let me add killed and used for food when they don't need to be. When there are other more ethical food options to choose from! 

"Food is not only a fundamental necessity; it is also a primary symbol in the shared inner life of every human culture, including our own. It is not hard to see that food is a source and metaphor of life, love, generosity, celebration, pleasure, reassurance, acquisition, and consumption. And yet it is also, ironically, a source and metaphor of control, domination, cruelty, and death, for we often kill to eat. Every day, from the cradle to the grave, we all make food choices, or they are made for us. The quality of awareness from which these inevitable food choices arise-- and whether we are making them ourselves or they are being made for us--- greatly influences our ability to make connections. This ability to make meaningful connections determines whether we are, and become lovers and protectors of life or unwilling perpetrators of cruelty and death." Will Tuttle The World Peace Diet
  Will Tuttle talks about these human connections that are so important to the quality of our lives. He also talks about how disconnected we are to what we eat. How disconnected The Standard American Diet program is. Think about it! When we eat, we don't really think about what is in the food, or what actions have gone into obtaining the food. In fact, we are not taught to do this, and I think it's a shame. We are not taught in the art of, what I like to call, "conscious eating." 

Conscious eating means paying attention! 

  Your health is one of your most priceless assets, and you must guard it with your life! Paying attention to what you are eating, who you are eating, what actions took place for you to have this food, and what is in it. Everything we put into our bodies is either contributing to disease or enhancing our ability to heal and remain vital. 

  Our food choices have largely been influenced by not just culture, but more specifically in our modern age, the meat, dairy and egg industries marketing strategies. A lot of what we believe to be true about animal agriculture, and animal consumption was bought by the industries in question. It is time to be more conscious about what we eat, and who we are eating not just for our own health, but for the planet, and the animals we share it with.

  We humans have always dominated what we believe to be a lesser species from us, and we wonder why we also see slavery, dominance, elitism over others in our human societies. We fatten the animals up, as quickly as we can before slaughter, and then we wonder why these foods cause obesity in us. You get my point! If we can slaughter poor defenseless animals WHO WANT TO LIVE JUST AS MUCH AS WE DO, then we can do it to each other. In fact, we see it in our world every day. There are many more examples of this in the book.

  It is about living in a way that communicates the most love, peace, joy, and healing as possible. In our own lives, and in the world! We get out what we put in, ever hear that? That is a universal truth. War will never bring peace, hate will never breed love, and ending life will not somehow bring life. There is always a nonviolent solution. In this modern world there is always a healthier and more ethical choice to make. There is no limit to how we can carry out this message of right to life. The right to life of all sentient beings, from the moment of conception until natural death! God wouldn't put limits on how much love, mercy and compassion we show towards his creation. In fact, we create those limits. Those limitations stem from the greed, and selfishness of man!

  If you want to choose health, vitality, peace, joy and love then you must start with filling your body with foods that communicate those energies. You are what you eat! When we eat animals, we are eating the sadness, despair, and fear that they experienced before death. Since October 2017 I have been learning and implementing a fruitarian style diet. That is a diet of mostly fruit, but also many plants.

  Fruit for example is high frequency, living, solar powered raw positive energy! Likewise in other plant foods like vegetables, greens, seeds and nuts. These are all LIVING FOODS, these foods communicate life, vitality, joy, and love. These foods are made specifically for us. Unlike animals that we have to kill to eat. Plants are living energetic foods that supply the body with life not death! 

  I am enjoying this book and I feel that anyone who loves animals, and cares about the state of their health, and our earth would like it too!

Please like and share!

World Peace Diet; Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony

Will Tuttle

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

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Health is Basic folks!

Health is Basic folks!
Dr. Morse