When it comes to diet I like to think in terms of simplicity. As complex as we are, we are really a simplistic creature. Our bodies are very complex, but respond to very well to simple dietary requirements, or changes. We are at the fundamental level made of very simple materials, "cells and two fluids" as Dr. Morse puts it. In this post I would like to focus on the topic of juicing. Professional opinions on juicing can vary, even among raw vegan fruitarian circles. I will say that many of the points made against juicing are valid, while the points for it are also valid. And actually they are all right!
So, what about juicing? Yes, No, Maybe?
Some people argue that juicing isn't a good option because it is a highly consecrated food, consisting of much more fruit, and or vegetables than any normal person could eat in one sitting. Because of this juice has a lot more sugar, and nutrition than you need, and can get from just eating the whole plant product. This is why juicing may spike the blood sugar too high, and this can be problem for some people.
Is Juicing healthy? |
Literally, you can juice six-eight raw carrots, and it will only fill an 8oz cup! So, if you were looking at juicing to fill you up, or to fill a 16oz, or larger cup, you are talking consuming around 17 carrots in one sitting. This all goes to show you how concentrated juicing can be. But, is either a good or bad thing. And, that depends on the circumstances.
Juice Cleansing
Another potential problem with juicing is when people decide to go on a juice cleanse. That is when we consume only juice for a specified amount of time. The person then has to make up all the calories for the day in juice form. Now, I said "potential problem" because like I said before "it depends on circumstances." Just because one person, or a few people in a group have a bad experience with juicing doesn't mean it's not necessarily a bad thing. But, it can be!
Juice cleansing is a great way to get through a detox in less time. It allows you to dig a bit deeper into your system, and really pull some nasty stuff out. Fresh raw juiced fruits, vegetable and greens are a concentrated form nutrition, and energy source in the form of fructose, and glucose that packs a huge punch! Depending on the level of your toxicity and whether or not you spent some time transitioning to a raw vegan diet yet, will depend on how well you handle a juice cleanse. I always recommend that you spend a month or so eating a raw vegan diet before you attempt a juice cleanse. And you may want to transition for a period of time, to a raw vegan diet as well, for best results. If you already have transitioned and have been eating raw for some time then a juice cleanse is a great thing for you to do.
If you are coming from The Standard American diet I suggest that you transition to a vegan whole foods diet before attempting an all fruit diet. This way you will have already begun the detox or elimination process and built up your discipline as well. This is very important! As in any cleansing and healing diet you must be patient. The only time Dr. Morse recommends jumping straight to a juice fast is if the individual is in a stage 4 situation, an imperative action. But, even then it may still be best to start with a whole food diet first. I have put together a guide for you, that I feel is a great place to start your transitioning into a whole foods plant based diet.
Many people who start off their detox program with juicing may have a bad experience that will turn them away from the raw or mostly lifestyle altogether and we don't want that. If your detox symptoms gets to be too much for you, simply go back to some whole fruits and continue your detox. If you need to slow it down some more you can add some steamed veggies, or green salads. Once you have detoxed a bit you can go back to your juice. There is no shame in that! I also should say that if you are in the process of a juice cleanse or a raw fruit diet cleanse, you may do your body some harm if you jump right back into the meat and dairy based foods of the standard American diet. It is best to be systematic about cleansing and healing the body for best results.
Juice is to concentrated with sugar and that's bad!
Not necessarily! Remember our primary source of energy for our active bodies, as well as the healing process is sugar. In fruits we get mainly fructose, and in vegetables it's glucose. These are simple sugars designed for our bodies. If our body is functioning properly we won't have any problem eating a high sugar diet from fruits. "Don't blame the fruits, blame your body. And fix it!"
Drinking juices can spike the blood sugar. If this is a problem that you are having then juicing is not where you need to be starting. Try eating a diet with plenty of whole fruits, steamed veggies and a green salad in the evenings. You will want to have your eyes checked, through an iridology exam to locate any weaknesses. Most people have weaknesses, especially in the Adrenal glands. The Adrenal Glands help control sugar metabolism and could be what you need to fix before you can begin juicing. Adrenal weakness is the #1 reason why people develop type 2 diabetes, and hypoglycemia.
So the fact that juice is concentrated with sugar, and nutrients can be a bad thing if your not tolerating the excess well. But, it can also benefit you in your detox and healing program. I recommend that you make sure to do your research and find out what would be the best place for you to start your healing program. Watch Dr. Morse videos, as well as study The Mucusless Diet Healing System transition diet plan, You will want to start where you need to personally for yourself. Not everyone should start with juices, or 100% fruits, or completely raw. This depends on what type of health crisis you are dealing with and where you are at in regards to the foods you choose to consume.
Juicing can be a great experience for you, and it should. A juice cleanse is a high level, high energy cleanse that can get you from Hellsville to Wellsville quickly! The nutrient, and energy packed juices mean that juicing can stimulate the cleansing, and lymphatic movement in a powerful way. Juicing is good because it gives your GI tract and digestive tract a rest. But, too much juicing can also weaken your digestive process so moderation is key here I think. Doing a long juice cleanse of more than 30 days is probably not something that you want to do. If you don't use it you lose it and digestion is no exception. You may want to transition to a fruit based mucus less diet with salads, steamed veggies, while intermittently juice cleansing for best results.
But if you are in a situation where digestion is not very good to begin with, or has stopped altogether as in a severe cancer case, than juices may be your only hope because it requires very little digestive processes. Herbs can then be used to help regain proper digestion again, making it possible to start eating whole fruits, salads and steamed veggies again. For most people eating fruits, and juicing can and will be a great benefit. I suggest doing your homework, discovering your weaknesses, and it always helps to seek the guidance of a professional to make sure you are doing it safely.
As for me!
I don't like a lot of kitchen gadgets, but having the right juicer is key. I currently have an Omega 365 slow juicer and I do love it. As far as cost it isn't too much, and is a great place to start. I also have a Vitamix or smoothies. If you are going to be doing a lot of juicing you should get the Greenstar slow juicer.
Nothing beats the simplicity of just eating whole fruits, and or making a smoothie. I do buy frozen, and freeze fruits for smoothies, especially for my kids and husband. But, most of the time we are just eating whole fruits. In case you are wondering using a Vitamix or blender isn't exactly the same as juicing.
You do use a lot less product in my opinion, and you can add ice too. Yes it is a bit concentrated like juice, but I will argue a little less so. I usually do one meal as a smoothie every day, once and a while I will do two, but most of the time I just like chomping down on whole fruit mono meals. Another reason why I use my blender is when I am consuming grapes. I don't like to eat whole grapes (it's a texture thing) so I will blend them in order to get them in me.
As for me and my fruitarian experience I find it hard to get the minimum amount of calories required by my body daily. I use smoothies as a way to pack in some calories, and vital nutrition. I see juicing the same way although you are eating more of the whole fruits when you blend, as apposed to juicing which separates the pulp out. I like the simplicity of a meal jam packed with calories and nutrition especially in the first part of the day to get me going.
Another word about juice. When we are talking juicing we are talking about making your own juice with your juicer and consuming often. I am not talking about store bought pasteurized juice. I do not recommend that you drink pasteurized juice unless it is your only fruit option available at the time. Make sure it is made from 100% juice and not from concentrates. A good grape juice can be a very powerful cleans as well, but just make sure to read labels, and or make it yourself.
In conclusion...
I feel that moderation is key. Do a little juicing if that is what your into, plus some smoothies. But there is nothing better, and more natural than eating some fresh fruits, berries and melons! The way Adam and Eve did :) And like I said before no two people will handle this diet the same and you may be able need to juice more or less. Study your body, get evaluated by a professional and come up with a healing plan that is right for you. The power is yours! My whole thing here is about simplicity, and doing what is best for you. I want to teach you how to get back to the Garden. Eating the diet God originally intended for man. "Take, and eat" whole fruits, herbs, veggies, seeds and nuts. Raw of course. If that means you need to add some juices, and smoothies then that's fine to. Just be causios when adding concentrated nutrition like juicing.
Thanks for reading! God bless!
For more information see...
Also highly recommended!! Get The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D.
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