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Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

What am I doing to help heal my body?

  I wanted to write about something that I started doing again. I needed something to kind of reset my diet and help get me to where I need to be. In addition to making sure I eat plenty of fresh fruit and plant based foods, I need to spend time resetting my body. My diet isn't always as clean as I like and need it to be. Even I eat stuff I really shouldn't from time to time. 

eating healthy

  The last couple of years along my journey has been really tough for me for many reasons. Have you ever been there? This doesn't change much for me because my goal is always the same. To do my best every day, even when my best is not so great. To learn along the way, and progress forward even if it is hard. If you have ever tried to do what most people will never do, then you understand. 

  If you are on a healing journey no matter how imperfect it may be at times, then you understand. Every day is a new day to make those necessary changes. We all need to be reminded that it's OK to not be perfect because your not going to be. You will screw up from time to time, we all do. Just stay the course

  This goes for diet change, healing journey, wealth building and anything that you wish to accomplish! Another thing I want to add to this is not waiting until everything is perfect to begin. You will never be in the perfect situation needed to accomplish your goals. Life is too short not to take imperfect action towards getting what you want in life. 

  Every day that we practice the life and habits that we want, the easier it gets. You will still have days where it doesn't seem so easy. Move through it and past it. Also no matter what happens, DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP OVER IT! That's not healthy either. 

  I'm not here creating this natural health blog to say I'm perfect and better than you in anyway. Don't look up to me because you think I'm perfect and never struggle with things. I'm like you a human being, and a member of an imperfect and dysfunctional at times family. I'm not "normal" and I didn't raise my kids to be either lol! 

  I am here to offer you the very same information that I'm using to feel my best every day, As well as improve on my health. Don't get me wrong I still have a lot of work to do. I am a work in progress like all of us are. I know that when my diet is clean I feel my best and when it's not I feel like shit. I know that when we are at our best we can do our best. 

  My prayer is that I can be a positive influence in your life. The information here can be customized to fit your lifestyle. The most important thing is just get started. Eat from nature's goodness! The fruit, berries, melons and plants that hydrate the body. I also am a big believer in fasting every day to reset the body and eliminate more waste. 

  This gets me back to my original plan for this post. So, what am I doing to reset my diet and get back to better management of my health? 

  I am going back to the basics of my first year of my healing journey. After I began this journey to improve on my health again back October 2017 I was feeling pretty good. I lost 50 pounds and had energy again on a fruit based diet with simple salads. I was also doing a 15 hour a day fast and I was doing it consistently. 

  So this year I decided to get back to the fasting 15-20 hours a day as well as eating a clean fruit based diet with veggies and greens. I have already been fasting daily until about 12 noon. Actually that is a practice that I got into back when my journey began in 2017. My first meal is always a big smoothie between 12 noon and 2pm. 

  But I got into the habit of eating until late in the day when I really need to be fasting. I really should be getting at least a 15 hour daily fast in. Fasting long enough is important for the body to correct any imbalances that it may have. When you fast long enough you trigger the body to burn stored body fat for energy. Digestion and elimination is also caught up through fasting. 

  When we fast long enough the energy saved that usually goes to digesting food is then used in the cleansing and healing processes. This is why it can be a good daily reset! If we adopt this lifestyle longer term we can get out of the bodies way every day and allow it to do what it needs to do. 

  I am going for a minimum of 15 hours daily fasting. I am already used to getting close to that with my usual 12 hours. To truly reset my body and get the results that I am looking for I need to be closer to 20 hours a day. But I am not trying to be perfect so there is a margin of 5 hours there. 

  With 24 hours in the day, if we fast for 20 that is a 4 hour eating window. If we fast a few less hours that is a 5 or 6 hour eating window. Just depends on where you are at along your health journey and what you need to be doing. You be the judge of that. 

  It is good to have a plan if you want to succeed in your goals. From experience when I have a plan it is much easier to stay on track. Take the guess work out of it. Know when you need to eat and what you need to eat. Have a plan and stick to it! 

  For me it is easy to fast in the first part of the day but harder in the last part of the day. That is why I have been able to fast 12 hours daily form sleep to noon the next day. This time frame is easiest for me. But when evening rolls around if I don't have a plan I find myself grabbing whatever food is easy. And this is NOT where you want to be. 

  So for me having a plan is key to my success and your success no matter what it is you are tying to do. I like to write my plan out and put it in my pocket. I know form experience that a plan works and if it can work for me then it will you. 

  Since I am a mom in a full house I am not the only one that I prepare food for. I am also not the only one bring food into the house. Being a member and care giver of a household can be a challenge for us when we are trying to change everything about ourselves. I live with teenagers and my parents who are in there 70's. Both are challenging ages lol!

  Anyway, no matter what situation your in, it is probably not the perfect conditions for you to succeed with little effort. You have to work hard for what you want and having a plan that you can follow is the key! 
  My plan consists of fasting about 18 hours with a margin of a few hours just in case my plan needs to be a little flexible. It is important to allow flexibility in your plan for best results. But make sure to follow it. The best plan is only as good as the effort we put towards it. 

  In addition to the fasting time that I am putting in daily, I need to make sure my diet is as clean as possible each day. I want to eat mainly fruit with some veggies and of course salads. I honestly don't do salads every day but recently I been fitting in some raw veggies like broccoli and cauliflower in my diet. These veggies are great for lowering thyroid hormones so they are important in a hyperthyroid healing diet. 

  I want to eat between noon and 6pm or sooner. That is a 6 hour eating widow tops and if I start eating later than noon then it's less of a window. I also have the flexibility to make it the full 6 hours or less if I need to. 

  The foods that I choose should be plant based, fruit mostly and some vegetables. I eat mostly raw and that is good for me. Some days I eat 100% raw. It just depends on what I am doing and what I am cooking for my family. 

  For a good diet and fasting plan you also want to keep lots of fresh fruit on hand to eat. That way you are not going to eat something that is easier and not as good for you. I always have bananas, frozen fruit, apples and along with some greens for a salad. I can at least make a smoothie in a pinch or a salad with what I already have. 
  In the summer papaya and watermelon make a easy quick meal. We also have many fruit trees so in season I have lots of quick healthy food. 

  So far my plan is working out and it is allowing me to have more control over my diet. I have a plan and I follow it. Eat enough during the time allowed for eating. You want to eat enough food to sustain you for the day. Even though you are not eating all day it is still important to get enough calories. 

  This is were a plan comes in too. Plan out your meals, have plenty of quick healthy foods and eat enough. When it is time to fast you fast and that is it. 

  This is what I am doing and what helps me to stay on track or get back on track. My elimination is good and I feel like my system is getting a rest too. 

  Give it a try! Create a plan for your health. What will you eat? Make sure to have enough healthy easy to prepare foods on hand. What time of the day is best for you to fast? I like my fast to start in the evening, through my nights sleep on until about noon the next day. 

  Try it out for yourself. Keep a journal and find out how much time you spend fasting on a typical day. Then find out where you should be doing more and do it. Start with where you are at right now and build up to 15 hours a day. 

  Another thing that I noticed about following through with my plan is intentional eating. No more trying to figure out what I am going to eat. I plan it out and since I have about a 4-6 hour eating window I have to be intentional about what I'm eating and how much. 

  My plan is helping me to stay focused on what I am eating and when. After that I don't have to worry about it until noon the next day. Just have to stick with the plan and have lots of food to eat. 

  Then I can spend that time doing things for every one else and resting of course :)
  To learn more about the power of fasting see The Power of Fasting to Heal the body. 

If you are on a healing journey or want to be on one check out What Does it Take to Heal the Body.

  Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

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Friday, February 11, 2022

What does it take to heal the body?


How do I heal my body?

  I hear people saying it all the time "their is no cure for what I got." I feel people say this for a couple of reasons. For one their doctor told them. And why would they say anything different? Doctors don't believe in cures, they certainly don't believe in natural cures and natural health. Doctors don't cure anything! They treat symptoms. And ignore the source altogether! I mean maybe some do if they take the time to educate themselves. 

  But these Good doctors don't work in the medical mainstream. And most of these doctors are not medical doctors but Naturopaths or in other Holistic Health fields. Dr. Morse is one of these educated doctors who actually teach people how to heal from any disease, naturally. Not that some people aren't too far gone. I have learned a lot from him in the last few years. 

  Medical doctors (generally speaking) will only tell you to do what will put money in their pockets. And what pharmaceutical (major) companies tell them is the truth. Medical doctors can't make money off of you if you don't take drugs, cut out necessary body parts or get poked, injected and scanned annually. 

  I know this isn't a popular or worldly thing to say, especially not in a post COVI D world. But it's the truth! I am not saying that there isn't any necessary medical intervention. Certainly there are and our trauma care is one of the best in the world! I'm saying that, most are unnecessary, over prescribed and misdiagnosed as some incurable disease! 

  I'm talking about the majority of people who don't overcome their diseases naturally. Many people do! They are out there and when we seek them out we can find them. Many have written books and online to tell their story. 

  If you look at the diseases people suffer the most with you will find that these are diet and lifestyle related diseases. I am talking about heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Even what I am dealing with thyroid disease can be reversed with diet and lifestyle. Although the same diet and lifestyle that got you fat, bloated and sick is not going to make it any better. If you keep doing the same things you will get worst not better. Even with pharmaceutical drugs, surgery, injections and scans! 

  I personally don't know of one person who has a better quality of life going the medical route. Neither have I seen any improvement in overall health in those I see taking drugs, having surgery, getting injected or scanned regularly. I am talking quality of life not a life dependent on doctors and drugs for the rest of your life. If that is what you ant to do than you probably hate this post lol! But if you want to do things differently then this post is for you. 

  Another reason why most people believe that there is no cure for what they, "have" is because natural health requires that people to do what they don't want to do. If these people believed in a cure they would have to change literally every aspect of their life! I mean a huge turn around to get different results. If you want things to change for you, you have to change! You can't keep doing the same things over and over expecting things to go different for some reason. 

  Natural Health is only possible if you do, what most people are unwilling to do. Most people don't want to give up the substances they use every day. They don't want to buy fresh produce because they don't eat it and it spoils. Then they say "it goes bad too fast." You know what I'm talking about? I've been there and see it around me. But it's not the foods fault! You got to put in the work that it takes to feel your best and look your best.

  People don't realize how much their taste buds will change over time. Until then we need to get creative and eat fresh produce even when we don't feel like it. Once we leave out all the other stuff and give it time we won't crave it anymore. I have wrote about that before in my last article, Addiction and the foods killing you! I talked about how we 0nly crave the substances that we have used before. 

  If you want to be free of pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and illness, you have to change what you are doing! You have to do what most people are unwilling to do! I always say that if you want standard American diseases eat and live like a standard American! We certainly are not looking for perfection because we do not live in a perfect world. What we should be looking for however is a better quality of life than what you got right now or will have in the future if you don't take control right now! 

  Even if you feel fine now, it all catches up to us eventually. How long do you think you can drink coffee, soda, energy drinks and even black teas until your adrenal glands take a dump? How about artery clogging dairy products and meat products? I have heard so many people say that they can't live without it. Yet 650,000 people are dead every year from heart disease! A preventable disease. Sure not all related to animal products alone but it all adds up. Especially of you are eating animal products and caffeinated sugary drinks as well! 

  Not to mention those deaths who were also smoking on top of it. I think we all know that smoking is extremely bad for us. But the problem is so are sugary caffeinated beverage products, fast food, baked goods and yet people are mostly clueless when it comes to that.

  We are told smoking is bad but little is said for energy drinks! We preach to our children to say no to drugs, yet 50% of American children are diagnosed with a chronic illness and even more are on prescription drugs. Wake up parents! 

  Help your kids learn how to be free from drugs not dependent on them. Sorry if this message is lost on you but I've seen it so many times. If it's acceptable to take pharmaceuticals for pain, or mind/mood altering then why not something else? When the doctors stop giving it to them, they will find it on the streets especially if they have developed a dependency. Sad but true! 

  Ok, so what does it take to create health rather than disease and codependency? 

  I have touched on some already. We need to eat a clean antioxidant rich diet of raw fruit and vegetables. We need to leave out anything that causes mucus to accumulate in the body. We also need to stop eating puss and mucus itself! I'm talking about animal products like dairy which is basically mucus. This mucus accumulation builds up and clogs the system making it very difficult to eliminate waste. 

  We must eliminate all addictive foods! These are the foods you talk about all the time, you know the ones you say you can't live without. The foods that do nothing good for you yet you keep consuming them. The enzyme void, sugary, empty calorie dense, processed foods. The caffeinated and decaffeinated for that matter, drinks you can't go one day without! FYI; decaffeinated crap is still crap! If you want something hot or cold to drink you can do hot lemon water, herbal tea, and fresh juice. Herbal tea is naturally caffeine free. Use a natural low glycemic sugar like date syrup or maple syrup if needed at all. 

  Get out in the sunshine every day and move your body! Drink clean water not tap water. Get water from your food too! Eat high water content raw foods, fresh juices, simple salads and lots of fruit! When it comes to food it's quality not quantity. Eat quality and you can eat as much as you want and still lose weight. Keep fats to a minimum and focus on fats from avocadoes rather than nuts. Use nuts sparingly. It is best to reserve your fats from avocado, seeds and nuts to be eaten with your greens. You should not mix fats with sweet fruits. 

  Get good sleep and don't stress over stuff you can't control anyway. Think positive and use your time to change your life not keep doing the same thing over and over again. It does take time to change and you might even feel worst at first. Especially if your getting off of the addictive substances your used too. Believe me, true long lasting real energy comes from changing you diet and lifestyle. Not addictive substances like coffee and energy drinks! Try eating a fruit diet with simple salads for dinner. Leave out all the other stuff. No one will be able to keep up with you. You will also start sleeping better and thinking better too. 

  Start incorporating fasting into your daily routine. Find out what time frame is best for you. If you are a person who doesn't like to eat in the morning then fast until after noon time when you have your first fruit meal. If you prefer your fasting to be in the evening then stop eating in th evenings. This will give you a good fast time every day. And when we fast we reset our body, balance our blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and cleansing and healing process. Did you know that the most energy demanding activity our body does is digest food? 

  If you are eating a lot of hard to digest processed foods, grains and animal products no wonder you feel like you need coffee, energy drinks or soda. Eat easily digestible foods like fruit, greens and vegetables. Leave out every thing else and you will have to find more things to do with all of the energy that you will have. Of course be realistic. You have to give it time for your body to eliminate stagnant waste and bring balance to your body. 

  Anyway I'm going to conclude this post here. I don't want to settle for the results that most people get and are getting. I want to do different to get different. That goes with everything in my life. I want to do what most people are unwilling to do. Yes it is hard at times and even I have struggled. There are many things to work out but it is worth it. Practice makes progress and ever day, every minute is a moment that we can change everything. I have made a step by step plan for going plan based. It is easy to follow and is a six week Step by Step plan made just for you, it's FREE! 

  Disclaimer; I am not a doctor, nor do I want to be. I am a person with thyroid trouble that is determined to effect a natural cure or remedy for myself. I am not perfect and I do struggle with pretty much everything lol! I have learned the hard way just how important thyroid health is. I hope that I can help you figure it out too. Remember your health is your responsibility. Be your own practitioner. Fight for yourself! It's not easy but it's got to be worth it. If you're like me you don't want to be dependent on pharmaceutical companies for the rest of your life, than you may find this information useful. Natural cures take time and it requires that you change just about everything in your life.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

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Dr. Morse on What does it take to heal the body? 

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Saturday, August 18, 2018

My Fruit Based Journey update Aug 2018

I am so thankful to be on the way to health and healing. My only regret is not getting the whole picture sooner. I have a lifetime of digestive, stomach, and elimination issues to heal from. Not only that, candida, chronic yeast infections, UTI type symptoms, and of course these thyroid nodules, and my over all thyroid health.

I have been learning a lot in this past ten months of my fruitarian journey, especially about how my body works, and reacts to certain foods. I am learning how my Standard American Diet and lifestyle caused all of my health problems. And, I am not one to stand around, and do nothing about it. Although, I have had my share of that too!

Here's the thing!

With more information, and knowing a better way to do take care of our self, we must be prepared to do better with our life. Sure sometimes it take a long time to come to that realization. I have studied health for a long time, and I have learned that, even though health is simple, healing is not as simple as a "balanced diet" or following the FDA's food guide pyramid.

Actually, it is this false information that has made Americans Sick! When your body is breaking down, and not functioning properly there is much more we need to do than just simply follow a standard healthy diet. We must get down to business, and eliminate the very things that keep us this way!

It is all cause and effect, nothing happens for nothing, for no reason. There is always a reason, and the reason is what we are eating, putting on our skin, and exposed to on a daily basis.

Also, what we are thinking about, choosing to spend our mind power on, like negative thoughts, and the "I can't" attitude of defeated persons. You don't just get sick! Diseases, or symptoms of body breakdown doesn't just happen to attack you, making you just one of the ones that GOT IT!

As much as we create our own diseases/illness by what we consume on a daily basis, and have our whole life up to this point, we also can create our health, and vitality by the same means. What we choose to expose our self to, and put into our body, and in our mind.

The power is ours!

And, most dietitians or medical doctors can't help you do this. It, you can w with the right information! Health doesn't come from a needle, surgical, or pharmaceutical companies.

You have to be willing to get down to the nitty gritty, and do everything it takes. If you don't take control of your health and your life NOW, there is no one we can blame but ourselves.

I know it is hard to blame ourselves, and make the necessary changes. I know it is hard to hear the information, especially if it contradicts everything you have been taught to know about health, and getting well.

I know it seems easier to just keep eating the way you always have. But, is it really when you are sick, tired, getting cut into, organs removed, and taking meds for the rest of your life?

Remember, "Nothing will change, if you change nothing!" THINK

It time to make some changes, and that is where I was at in September 2017, even though I had been suffering in my unhealthy state for a long time. Even though my nodules had been with me for years! I just wasn't ready to hear what I needed to, and make those changes.

So, I know how it is :)

It's amazing how we will all too often sacrifice our health to consume animal products (dead foods) especially, processed, and cooked foods.

I know because I did it for years, and I was always the health nut in my family. I see it all around me. People sick, and suffering because of what they are choosing to put into their body! It's just not worth it...

Today, I am just glad I have begun to wake up a little more. My future seems so much brighter now. I know I have the tools to live a long and healthy life free from health issues. I am not afraid of sickness, getting thyroid cancer, or anything else. I know I am in the right place, learning the right information. And, like a fine wine, I am getting better with age :)

Thank you to those knowledgeable friends, all of the new people that I am meeting, and Robert Morse for really opening my eyes to what is actually possible with restoring my health before it gets worse. The information that is his specialty is just what I needed.

Thank you God for showing me!

I am thankful that I have lost over forty pounds of unwanted wight :) And that my stomach is feeling a lot better. I do still need to hit the stomach, and bowel herbs as well as the GI herbs to clean out my digestive tract for further deep cleaning, and healing.

I have been focused on diet, discipline, and my Adrenal glands with licorice root. Transitioning can take a long time but it gets better daily, and I am thankful for that too. This is definitely a journey, as process.

I am also learning about the herbs that grow in our yard, and how to use them. This is a cost effective way to get some of the herbs that we need for healing.

Over all, I know I am on my way to getting rid of these nodules, and achieving optimal health! I want this for everyone, but not every one is willing to hear the message or do what it takes. But I guess we are all that way at some point.

In conclusion...
"Fruitarianism is not simply a change in diet but a way to get back to the garden. Eating the diet originally intended by God for humanity. Primarily fruits, also herbs, seeds, vegetables and nuts." THINK

Do you want to feel better?
Look better?
Eliminate your health issues?

It is so possible!
Believe it, to achieve it!

I want to help you, help yourself if your ready. I have been teaching what I know here on my blog, YouTube, (, and on Facebook.

Please like, subscribe, and pay attention to what I have to say. Get yourself a copy of this book; The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Robert Morse, N.D. Watch his YouTube videos which are a plethora of information. Though away everything you think you know about health, start over, and get back to basics.

Learn everything you can because you are worth it. Open your mind, and heart to the message of healing that you so desperately need.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and God bless!

To follow my journey start here...

The Power of Fasting to Heal your Body

An Introduction to Fruitarian Living

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 

Please leave a comment and share! Tell me what you think :) 

If you are new to this blog see the quick links and or the welcome page for more.

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for my videos

And join me on Osdysee for content freedom!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Is Juicing Healthy? | Juice Cleansing

When it comes to diet I like to think in terms of simplicity. As complex as we are, we are really a simplistic creature. Our bodies are very complex, but respond to very well to simple dietary requirements, or changes. We are at the fundamental level made of very simple materials, "cells and two fluids" as Dr. Morse puts it. In this post I would like to focus on the topic of juicing. Professional opinions on juicing can vary, even among raw vegan fruitarian circles. I will say that many of the points made against juicing are valid, while the points for it are also valid. And actually they are all right!

So, what about juicing? Yes, No, Maybe?

Some people argue that juicing isn't a good option because it is a highly consecrated food, consisting of much more fruit, and or vegetables than any normal person could eat in one sitting. Because of this juice has a lot more sugar, and nutrition than you need, and can get from just eating the whole plant product. This is why juicing may spike the blood sugar too high, and this can be problem for some people.

juice diet
Is Juicing healthy?
Literally, you can juice six-eight raw carrots, and it will only fill an 8oz cup! So, if you were looking at juicing to fill you up, or to fill a 16oz, or larger cup, you are talking consuming around 17 carrots in one sitting. This all goes to show you how concentrated juicing can be. But, is either a good or bad thing. And, that depends on the circumstances.

Juice Cleansing

Another potential problem with juicing is when people decide to go on a juice cleanse. That is when we consume only juice for a specified amount of time. The person then has to make up all the calories for the day in juice form. Now, I said "potential problem" because like I said before "it depends on circumstances." Just because one person, or a few people in a group have a bad experience with juicing doesn't mean it's not necessarily a bad thing. But, it can be!

Juice cleansing is a great way to get through a detox in less time. It allows you to dig a bit deeper into your system, and really pull some nasty stuff out. Fresh raw juiced fruits, vegetable and greens are a concentrated form nutrition, and energy source in the form of fructose, and glucose that packs a huge punch! Depending on the level of your toxicity and whether or not you spent some time transitioning to a raw vegan diet yet, will depend on how well you handle a juice cleanse. I always recommend that you spend a month or so eating a raw vegan diet before you attempt a juice cleanse. And you may want to transition for a period of time, to a raw vegan diet as well, for best results. If you already have transitioned and have been eating raw for some time then a juice cleanse is a great thing for you to do.

If you are coming from The Standard American diet I suggest that you transition to a vegan whole foods diet before attempting an all fruit diet. This way you will have already begun the detox or elimination process and built up your discipline as well. This is very important! As in any cleansing and healing diet you must be patient. The only time Dr. Morse recommends jumping straight to a juice fast is if the individual is in a stage 4 situation, an imperative action. But, even then it may still be best to start with a whole food diet first. I have put together a guide for you, that I feel is a great place to start your transitioning into a whole foods plant based diet.

Juicing can cause you to eliminate quickly, causing more of a healing crisis than if you had started off moderately with a fruit diet, or a raw fruit, salad and vegetables diet. If you start a juice cleanse and find that your symptoms are getting worse, don't blame the juice. Symptoms of illness from detox and elimination called a "healing crisis" is a normal and necessary part of your healing program. You got to get the stuff out and the only way for your body to do it is through the eliminative functions of the body.

Many people who start off their detox program with juicing may have a bad experience that will turn them away from the raw or mostly lifestyle altogether and we don't want that. If your detox symptoms gets to be too much for you, simply go back to some whole fruits and continue your detox. If you need to slow it down some more you can add some steamed veggies, or green salads. Once you have detoxed a bit you can go back to your juice. There is no shame in that! I also should say that if you are in the process of a juice cleanse or a raw fruit diet cleanse, you may do your body some harm if you jump right back into the meat and dairy based foods of the standard American diet. It is best to be systematic about cleansing and healing the body for best results.

Juice is to concentrated with sugar and that's bad!

Not necessarily! Remember our primary source of energy for our active bodies, as well as the healing process is sugar. In fruits we get mainly fructose, and in vegetables it's glucose. These are simple sugars designed for our bodies. If our body is functioning properly we won't have any problem eating a high sugar diet from fruits. "Don't blame the fruits, blame your body. And fix it!"

Drinking juices can spike the blood sugar. If this is a problem that you are having then juicing is not where you need to be starting. Try eating a diet with plenty of whole fruits, steamed veggies and a green salad in the evenings. You will want to have your eyes checked, through an iridology exam to locate any weaknesses. Most people have weaknesses, especially in the Adrenal glands. The Adrenal Glands help control sugar metabolism and could be what you need to fix before you can begin juicing. Adrenal weakness is the #1 reason why people develop type 2 diabetes, and hypoglycemia.

So the fact that juice is concentrated with sugar, and nutrients can be a bad thing if your not tolerating the excess well. But, it can also benefit you in your detox and healing program. I recommend that you make sure to do your research and find out what would be the best place for you to start your healing program. Watch Dr. Morse videos, as well as study The Mucusless Diet Healing System transition diet plan, You will want to start where you need to personally for yourself. Not everyone should start with juices, or 100% fruits, or completely raw. This depends on what type of health crisis you are dealing with and where you are at in regards to the foods you choose to consume.

Juicing can be a great experience for you, and it should. A juice cleanse is a high level, high energy cleanse that can get you from Hellsville to Wellsville quickly! The nutrient, and energy packed juices mean that juicing can stimulate the cleansing, and lymphatic movement in a powerful way. Juicing is good because it gives your GI tract and digestive tract a rest. But, too much juicing can also weaken your digestive process so moderation is key here I think. Doing a long juice cleanse of more than 30 days is probably not something that you want to do. If you don't use it you lose it and digestion is no exception. You may want to transition to a fruit based mucus less diet with salads, steamed veggies, while intermittently juice cleansing for best results.

But if you are in a situation where digestion is not very good to begin with, or has stopped altogether as in a severe cancer case, than juices may be your only hope because it requires very little digestive processes. Herbs can then be used to help regain proper digestion again, making it possible to start eating whole fruits, salads and steamed veggies again. For most people eating fruits, and juicing can and will be a great benefit. I suggest doing your homework, discovering your weaknesses, and it always helps to seek the guidance of a professional to make sure you are doing it safely.

As for me!

I don't like a lot of kitchen gadgets, but having the right juicer is key. I currently have an Omega 365 slow juicer and I do love it. As far as cost it isn't too much, and is a great place to start. I also have a Vitamix or smoothies. If you are going to be doing a lot of juicing you should get the Greenstar slow juicer.

Nothing beats the simplicity of just eating whole fruits, and or making a smoothie. I do buy frozen, and freeze fruits for smoothies, especially for my kids and husband. But, most of the time we are just eating whole fruits. In case you are wondering using a Vitamix or blender isn't exactly the same as juicing.

You do use a lot less product in my opinion, and you can add ice too. Yes it is a bit concentrated like juice, but I will argue a little less so. I usually do one meal as a smoothie every day, once and a while I will do two, but most of the time I just like chomping down on whole fruit mono meals. Another reason why I use my blender is when I am consuming grapes. I don't like to eat whole grapes (it's a texture thing) so I will blend them in order to get them in me.

As for me and my fruitarian experience I find it hard to get the minimum amount of calories required by my body daily. I use smoothies as a way to pack in some calories, and vital nutrition. I see juicing the same way although you are eating more of the whole fruits when you blend, as apposed to juicing which separates the pulp out. I like the simplicity of a meal jam packed with calories and nutrition especially in the first part of the day to get me going.

Another word about juice. When we are talking juicing we are talking about making your own juice with your juicer and consuming often. I am not talking about store bought pasteurized juice. I do not recommend that you drink pasteurized juice unless it is your only fruit option available at the time. Make sure it is made from 100% juice and not from concentrates. A good grape juice can be a very powerful cleans as well, but just make sure to read labels, and or make it yourself.

In conclusion...

I feel that moderation is key. Do a little juicing if that is what your into, plus some smoothies. But there is nothing better, and more natural than eating some fresh fruits, berries and melons! The way Adam and Eve did :) And like I said before no two people will handle this diet the same and you may be able need to juice more or less. Study your body, get evaluated by a professional and come up with a healing plan that is right for you. The power is yours! My whole thing here is about simplicity, and doing what is best for you. I want to teach you how to get back to the Garden. Eating the diet God originally intended for man. "Take, and eat" whole fruits, herbs, veggies, seeds and nuts. Raw of course. If that means you need to add some juices, and smoothies then that's fine to. Just be causios when adding concentrated nutrition like juicing.

Thanks for reading! God bless!
For more information see...
Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life: Unleash the Healing Power of Fresh Juices and Cleansing Diets 

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! What are you going to do with it?

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Health is Basic folks!

Health is Basic folks!
Dr. Morse