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Showing posts with label Raw Vegan Spinach Dip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raw Vegan Spinach Dip. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2022

Raw Vegan Spinach Dip


 I have been wanting to make this recipe ever since I saw Chris Kendall's video. I been meaning to make it ever since. If you read my Raw Vegan "tuna" Salad recipe post you know that I'm always looking for good dips to get me eating my veggies more often. 

This Authentic Raw Vegan Spinach Dip is one of those recipes! 

 I decided to get on it and make at least one raw recipe every week. I do a lot of smoothies and fruit which I love. But I been trying to get more veggies and greens in my diet as well. 

My dad grew broccoli and cauliflower this season so I been eating that with hummus as a dip. But hummus isn't the best option unless it's a raw vegan version of it. 

So finding myself easy raw dip options is a must!  

Raw Vegan Spinach Dip

I knew when I saw Chris' video below for the first time that I needed a recipe like this in my life. I'm glad I final decided to make it. This one definitely goes down as one of my go to dips! 

For this platter I used..

1 bell pepper, 4 carrots, 1 cucumber, as well as a few radishes and mushrooms. 

I had my Spinach Dip with my veggies like you see in the picture. This made an nutritious and filling meal for me. I am glad I finally put this recipe to the test. 

Check out the video below and Chris can tell you how to make this rawsome dip! I did add a pinch of salt for my taste. Chris didn't say to use salt in his recipe but I added a little pink salt for my taste. 

Other than that this is a great raw vegan spinach dip!


Make this recipe and taste for yourself! 

 Did this recipe help you to eat your veggies? 

It did for me! 

I'm thankful to have people like those at The Raw Advantage helping us all eat healthier!  

If you like this check out my Raw Vegan "tuna" Salad recipe :) 

 Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope this helps you in some way! 
Please leave a comment and share! 

Tell me what you think :) 

Today is the first day of the rest of your life! 

What are you going to do with it?

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